The danger in blogging, as many people are aware, is thinking that the person blogging has "perfect " kids or the "pefect" life, etc... My dear friend explained this best on her blog, so here is a link to an incredible window into the blogging world. I hope you will take a moment to read it. It is worth it :
That being said, I must share a little story about Ben. He is not perfect, but he is dear. Today he asked a friend what he wanted for his birthday. His friend told him, and Ben was so excited to go out and buy it(with his money). I told him that maybe he didn't want to spend so much, as he doesn't have much money, but he said, "It's OK, Mom. I asked him what he wanted!" Later he said out of the blue, "I don't know why, but I just love buying presents for other people. It makes me so happy."
It's little things like this that soften my response towards the children when they are not being quite as 'angelic.' I think when I make mistakes the Lord must do the same thing. He sees the big picture, so his heart is fillled with compassion. He wants us to always do right, but He loves us so much that even when we make mistakes,He sees the good. I want to be like that!