Saturday, January 15, 2011

Leave It All

Do you know what I like most of all about homeschooling? My children's best friends are each other. True, they do their share of bickering, but when all is said and done, they turn to brothers and sisters. We went to a friend's house today for our group Bible study. My friend's husband had made a skating rink in the driveway. The children had a wonderful time! I took these pictures sitting in Anna's (my friend's) kitchen. I felt like the Paparazzi, sneaking in pictures of the older children. Candid shots are definitely best.

Tommy found a new way to play croquet.

Oliver got a much needed haircut!!!

Dear Emily, always smiling...

Dear Mary Margaret, dear even though she is NOT always smiling! She was happy today; I don't know why she looks so concerned in these pictures?

Emily pulls Sam on the ice:

Ben and his friend John Henry discovered me with this shot:

To think we almost didn't come in town today; I have so much at home that needs doing. Sometimes it's best to just leave it all and do something fun together, as a family.