Sunday, February 20, 2011

Welcome To The World, Hannah Mae

Day breaks glorious on a February morning, and the cries of wet lungs pierce the stunned silence of a hallowed house.

Newborn babe, She clings to Mama in the boldness of life, that finger, her hand; she grasps- the umbilical security tethers, but she holds.

Hannah Mae, emptied out and birthed into love ~  Outstretched arms that have longed to embrace you do shelter you tenderly and securely. You are a loved child. You are a cherished babe.

I visited my past today- the house we lived in for two years before moving over the mountain. This charming house is the rectory of an Episcopal church, and now my sister and her husband live there with their four beautiful children.

And I go to the past, that is so brimming with future...with life, with a baby breathing her first breaths in these four walls, and I am overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with gratitude and the miracle, the miracle of full circles that birth babies and hopes in a fragile web of  humanity.

And this humanity- it is my humanity, my flesh and blood hammering out days and lives where I hammered out days and lives with my own babies.

Hannah Mae Yoder~ February 19, 2011

Another day closes, and a new life dawns. We drive home in the splendor and magnificence of sunset. I take pictures from a window, looking through glass. Life passes before me, and I am quenched-filled with promise, with hope. His glory outshines all, eternally gifting us with this beautiful life.