The inside of a Petunia is breathtaking!

Tiger Swallowtail on a Tiger Lilly

I never knew Comfrey has such gorgeous flowers. It is such a graceful plant. I am sure if Charlotte Mason were alive today, she would use a camera for "nature Study!"

A newly hatched Black Swallowtail caterpillar found on Dill

When the caterpillar is just a few days older, it changes in appearance!
We did a very fun art project today! I got the idea from a local toy store that has a "crafternoon" each week. We didn't get to go, but we did the project at home. All you do is paste tissue paper (with diluted glue) onto a piece of wax paper. Then place another piece of wax paper over top and make a "frame" with construction paper. The results are quite pleasing when you hang the "stained glass" in the window!
Mary Margaret working on her picture:

Tommy made one, too:

Even Anna got into the project (quite literally!):

Mary Margaret's finished project:

Oliver's finished project:

My sister introduced us to a very neat Lego project for home/unschoolers! Here is the link: Lego quest I'm so glad I just found a huge box of LEGOs at the thrift store this past week!