Friday, June 5, 2009

Mr. Luster Comes To Tea

This is our neighbor and dear friend, Mr Luster. The kids enjoy when he comes to call, as it usually always involves tea and cookies of some kind. Emily was knitting while we drank tea. She made a little washcloth for Anna to use in the bath. It is very sweet. On the wall behind Tommy and Mr. Luster is the painting of a barn Will did when he was twelve.(This picture is a little blurry-my camera is not working so well?)

We had our homeschooling awards ceremony tonight at church. It was so great-so many children and they were all so proud. The Dads handed out awards to their own children-some serious (helpful big brother award, superior math student) and some funny(most likely to disappear without a trace during the day-ha, ha!). It really was fun. I'm so frustrated that I didn't bring the camera!!!